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Newport Makerspace Lone Working Guide

This section of the rules is provisional and has not been ratified

There may be occasions where you end up working alone in the Makerspace. Lone working constitutes being on your own in the makerspace area during Reuse Centre opening hours (when there are Wastesavers staff in the premises), and out of hours if you are a key holder. Lone working is allowed but we restrict a number of activities in lone working situations due to the potential severity of injury should an accident happen.

Restricted Activities

The following machines or activities are restricted when you are working alone:

  • Working at height


  • Bandsaw
  • Planer / thicknesser
  • Belt sander
  • Pillar Drill


  • Lathe
  • Mill
  • Grinders
  • Horizontal Bandsaw
  • Pillar Drill
members/loneworking.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/20 09:07 by aidanrtaylor